Sunday, May 15, 2016

Good-Bye, Mr. Chips by James Horizon

This little paperback book is 132 pages and I read them all in one day.

I selected this because I just read Lost Horizon, written by the same author.

Written when the author lived in England, Mr. Chips got rave reviews when it hit the US. 
It is a great story about a headmaster who was a simple human being.  He went through all the emotions of life, but never lost his humanity.  

Throughout the story Mr. Chips is recalling events that happened in his life.  I enjoyed its simplicity and Mr. Chips was a good man.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

No Second Chance by Harlan Coben

Someone killed Dr. Seidman’s wife, he was shot and left for dead and his 6 month old daughter is missing.  Was it a setup?  Was it him?  The cops certainly think so.  How does an ex-girlfriend fit in the story? 

Harlan Coben knows how to add on the drama and mystery.  I was not expecting to hear how things really went down!

 If I tell you the story had a happy ending would that give something away?

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Lost Horizon by James Hilton

Set in the early 1930's, four people are lost in the Tibetan Mountains.  They are found by a group who live in a lamasery and are taken there to recover and perhaps not to return home again.

Three men and one woman have their lives changed drastically when their plane crashes in the mountains.  They are found by a group from a monastery who live in a place called Shangri-La.  After traveling through snowy storms, up mountain crevices, they end at a place where flowers grow, there is no crime, there is life longevity and everything is beautiful and peaceful and serene.  Would you want to go back to a civilization at the brink of war?

I enjoyed the movie just as well as the book even though they had different endings and some minor character additions.