Cast of characters:
Opal Viola Victoria Bear Shield - Sister of Jacquie Red Feather and grandma
to Orvil (14YO), Loother and Lony
Blue – daughter of Jacquie
Dene Oxendene – documentary filmmaker
Tony Loneman – works with Octavio
Octavio – drug dealer
The author is an enrolled member of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma. He was born and raised in Oakland, California. He writes this novel in different POV’s and styles. First person and third person.
The story starts with Tony remembering how he found out that his mother drank alcohol when she was pregnant with him and it shows on his face. We meet the other characters, some who tell their story and the others narrated. In between the characters telling their story, a scheme is unfolding that will bring mostly all the characters in the same setting.
I love how the characters stories are intertwined. I mention this quite a bit in other book journals.
I didn’t like the ending. Did the families who were separated from each other get back together?
This novel was recommended in some email but I also liked the book cover, orange background and two feathers. The title was also intriguing to me. I took it as a feeling of sympathy as in “there, there, everything will be alright”. But its referring to going somewhere, there, and realizing later on how things changed and what you had is no longer there.