Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Burnout by Sophie Kinsella


Sasha Worth is thirty-three and burned out already.  Her job is overloaded, she is overwhelmed and she considers joining a convent thinking life would be simpler.

She feels she cannot cope with life.  I will say that she doesn’t know how to tell people what she wants and doesn’t want. Not saying she is a pushover but from what I’ve seen, she kinda goes with the flow sometimes and then has all these ideas about what other people are thinking where she is totally off base.

So the story is going along rather smoothly.  A little too smoothly and there has to be a curveball somewhere here but there really isn’t.  I like Kinsellas’ writing.  I can usually breeze through her novels in a day or two – if I decide to do nothing else 😊.  Her characters have a quirkiness about them that we can sometimes see in ourselves.

I have read every single one of her novels, including the novels she writes in her own name, Margaret Wickham.