Sunday, April 6, 2008

BLAZE by Richard Bachman

Clayton Blaisdell Junior (Blaze) grew up in an institution for boys. He is the kind of character that you end of feeling sorry for and crying about, even though he did some bad things in his life. Most of them were under the coercion of someone else.

This story is about him kidnapping a baby and the odd thing is that even though Blaze is considered a “slow learner”, he realized that he will have to buy baby stuff so the he can take care of the baby until he returns it for ransom money. He has a friend helping him with the kidnapping. What he hasn’t fully realized is that his friend is dead, and he keeps hearing his voice telling him what to do.

I was a little teary eyed at the end and the late Richard Bachman wrote a good story. By the way, the author is actually Stephen King writing under a pseudonym.

A good quick read!

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